Frequently asked questions
If your question is not answered below, please feel free to ask a librarian.
How do I ask for research help? →
How do I donate materials? →
How do I download ebooks, audiobooks, or other digital material? →
How do I find a job at the library? →
How do I find magazine articles? →
How do I find more information about the 2017 Library Levy? →
How do I get a library card? →
How do I get or change my PIN? →
How do I host an exhibit at one of the libraries? →
How do I locate a library? →
How do I place a hold? →
How do I renew an item? →
How do I reserve a computer? →
How do I reserve a meeting room? →
How do I return materials? →
How do I support the library? →
How do I use the library WiFi? →
How do I volunteer at the library? →
Public Internet Computer F.A.Q. →